Network Devices Introduction

Network Devices:

Routers, Switches, Firewall, Voice Devices, Wireless Access-point

Cisco Switch.

Switch is a  device which provides a centrailzed location in order to build a LAN.

FIG:1 Switch and RJ 45 Cable

If you want to connect 4 computers you cannot connect them each other without having a switch. 

If you have a switch showing in above FIG. you can make the connecting by using RJ45 cable from switch to PC switch to PC and you can build a Local Area Network.

So switch is a device which provides a centralized location.

Wireless Access Point.

  • Provides the centralized location to connect the devices with in the LAN
  • without wire (using RF Signals)
FIG:2 Wireless Access Point

By using this wireless device you can connect your laptop computer TV mobile phones without connect a single wire by using RF signals and you can make a Local Area Network.

Wireless LAN Controllers.

  • Provides Centralized management of all accesspoints in the network.
  • makes easier to manage large wireless scale deployments. 
               Ex: Airports, Shopping malls.

FIG:3 Wireless Controllers
By using this wireless lan controllers we can control all the access points  with this Controller all the Acces point will come and join to this Controller so that we can manage them Centrally.

We have Previously saperate Wireless Track to learn about this Deployment.

NOTE:-IN  NEW CCNA-200-301 all the technologies will include in just CCNA.


Device connecting two or more LAN's

FIG:4  Routers

Physicall Routers will look like a Flat box but diagramatically will  represent like showing in above FIG. connectivity.

With the help of this routers we can have a rechability from Hyderabad office to Bangalore branch office. we do have a rechability between the two locations with the help of "Service providers".


  • Protects a network from unauthorized access.
  • Controls incomming and outgoing network traffic based on a set of rules.
FIG:5 Firewall

 Every organization will use a device called Firewall, By using this Device we can protect our network .

Ex:- Every organization will connect to internet Right ? might be some attacker sitting some where and he is trying to drop your network down, by sending some malacious kind of programs like Virus program. this firewall job is to ensure that,what ever the traffic incomming, or outgoing, traffic it will stop and checks. It says that hey stop here i have some rules to check if it matches i will allow if not simply i will drop you outside , after checking that rules if the packet is safe it will allow if not it will not allow into the organization. (And it will work based on the rules what we have implemented).

To know about this we have security Track there you get introduced to "CISCO ASA FIREWALL" how to implement and configure the rules into it.

VoIP Phones/ Voice Devices.

A VoIP phones uses voice over IP for placing and translating telephone calls over an IP network, such as the internet, instead of the traditional public switched telephone network (PSTN).

FIG:6 VOIP Devices

Ex: In general for communication we can use Mobile phones but in production network we use some thing called VOIP device .

lets take an example you want to have a communication from your INDA brach office to US branch office instead using a normal mobile phone we use here VOIP device it will look similar to your normal Landline phone. But the major difference is you can get a IP address to this device similar to your computer. Through the existing network you can make a communication from INDIA to US branch office throught the internet.

Home Internet Devices.

  • Inbulit switch,Router, Wireless access point.
  • Applicable in small home/ office network.

FIG:7 Home Internet Device.

We will have all the inbuilt features like router, switch, wireless access point, etc. Because in our home people are non technical by taking saperate switch, router, accesspoint it is not an easy job.So we will have a simple  home internet device basically if you see home internet device you will  have 4 Ports which will act like switch, and another Internet port Will act like WAN Port the connection which was given by service provider will connect there it will act like Router. And antenna will generate the RF signals will act like a Wireless Access Point. 

FIG: 8 Connecting From Ethernet Port to Laptop, through Home internet Device.
